Experience connecting with your body through Yoga, Dance and DanceYoga
Deep down, you know what you came here for. If you follow your heart, you are true to yourself because that's where the answers are. The yes and no feeling, your intuition. It is not easy because we are no longer used to listening to our bodies. It is taught to us on all sides and this from childhood by your parents, carers, teachers, family, society...you name it. But actually you don't have to do anything for it, just listen to yourself, your body. If you choose to listen to your heart then you are choosing Love, if you listen to that head, hmmm…then your choice is more likely to go to fear. In other words, it's a choice you make between "surviving" (fear) and "Living" (love). Following your heart is about being yourself and, above all, not doing what others expect of you. Others find that disturbing (parents, teachers, educators...) because then you don't fit into the 'right' box and before you know it, you are living a life that everyone agrees with, except you. Your body is like a compass and whether you like it or not, your body will keep sending you signals until you really start listening. Continuing to push reality away will sooner or later create symptoms like depression, panic attacks, agitation, denial, memory loss, shallow breathing, anxiety, diseases like cancer, fibromyalgia go on and on....
When you get into your body, you start experiencing connection with yourself in the form of emotions which scares many of us. We are afraid to admit these emotions because then we encounter inner chaos which we have hidden away since childhood. And as long as we don't free ourselves from this, these emotions such as fears, sadness, traumas... start to 'attach themselves' (links to page : 'What do I do?') and nestle to your muscles which then store different emotions. For example, your neck is connected to fear and expression, your lower back to shame and feelings of inferiority.
With yoga and dance, you can let these emotions flow again. You learn to get back in touch with your body which can be quite exciting. You 'abandoned' your body for a long time because it was not a safe place to live.
Discovering who you are, what you want, what satisfies you takes courage and what your heart and body are telling you is exciting, adventurous and scary. Your heart compels you to grow, to develop. As you get closer to yourself, start feeling and listening to your body consciously, you develop more self-confidence, self-love and self-compassion.
With Yoga, Dance and DanceYoga (link page : What is DanceYoga?) you will find out in a pleasant, fun way what is still stuck deep inside your body, and what influence this has on how you are now and on behavioral issues. Yoga & Dance is a journey. You explore and recognise who you are at your deepest.
Hatha yoga is an age-old form of yoga that extends beyond mere physical exercise. Within this style, a significant emphasis is placed on the integration of body and mind.
Yin yoga entails sustaining poses for extended durations. In this practice, you are provided ample opportunity to delve into and expand your boundaries, all while mindfully dedicating time to your body.
This style of yoga reduces stress and enhances your physical condition in a relaxed, tranquil, and enjoyable manner.
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